Schelstraete Lawyers achieved settlement in a case regarding a non-conforming pony

Schelstraete Lawyers has achieved a favourable settlement on behalf of her client in a case regarding a non-conforming pony. By reaching this settlement she did not only receive a refund of the purchase price, but they also received compensation for a part of the expenses which were made for the pony.

The case was as follows. The client purchased a pony which was presented as a pony suitable for the use in sports. However during the sale and purchase the veterinarian and the seller both concealed the fact that the pony received surgery on a  club hoof (Bokhoef). The client consulted their veterinarian which came to the conclusion that the surgery performed was the cause of the ongoing tendon problems. Despite the defence of seller that the club hoof surgery was performed in the past and that it was unnecessary to notify the buyer now that the surgery was supposedly not the cause of the tendon problems, the seller did not seem too keen on starting litigation. Eventually the seller made an offer to collect the pony and to refund the purchase price and an additional €2.500,- for the pony’s expenses.


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